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Lammermuir Community Transport was formed in April 1987.
We provide affordable, local, accessible transport to community and voluntary groups throughout East Lothian.
  • A minibus can only be hired by Lammermuir Community Transport members - they cannot be hire by individuals or members of the general public
  • A minibus cannot be hired for activites which are profit making
Our vehicle hire service operates from our base in Tranent, with vehicles available for hire seven days a week and can be hired on a daily, weekly or longer basis.
The minibus can be used for:
  • outings
  • monthly trips
  • shopping
  • sporting events
  • going to meetings
  • musical events
  • competitions
  • theatre trips
  • cinema
  • bowling
In fact the list is endless.
All vehicles are hired on a 'self drive' basis (although there are some occassions where we can supply a volunteer driver) - all drivers must be over the age of 21, have held a driving licence for a minimum of three years and hold a MIDAS certificate - further information on MIDAS can be found at MiDAS | Community Transport Association (
For drivers joining the pool of volunteers who will drive for any Group, MIDAS training is free of charge.  For drivers who only drive for their own specified group MIDAS training can be arranged at a cost.
The maximum age allowed by our insurance company for driving our vehicles is 70 years old. Please note that demand often exceeds supply and we cannot always guarantee availability.

"Mobility for All"

Company Limited by Guarantee No: SC344789

Registered Charity No:  SC043313

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